Thursday 12 June 2014


The time is running out for the world’s top cat.., A treasure of Asia..!

The tigers are the very wild animals and their habitat is the very evergreen tropical forests and they always make themselves available very near to the consumable water resource.

The need of the hour is to save these tigers from getting extinct. A recent study by students of ecology shows that the tigers are killed for the very silly reasons like the body parts of the tiger are used for manufacturing of the traditional medicines, the tiger’s skin are sold by the poachers for the good money that they are in need of and the worst thing is that the bone of the tiger and other animals are used in the wine products that are sold in Asian continent.

Besides all these reasons, the tigers population is on a decreasing magnitude because of their loss of habitat that is occupied by mankind, the prey of the tiger is also  on a reducing scale .The forest area is narrowed down day by day and this declined the presence of tiger which is the world’s top most cat that should be celebrated for it can’t be lived with!! At this time I blog, one of my friend says the Global warming and other ecological changes are also responsible for the decline in the population of the tiger. 

For all the above reasons, we can simply blame ourselves but then when we think about the conflicts between the man and the wild, the wild enters into the space of man that was the space of the wild long ago..! What shall we do to tackle this? It is very obvious that we can’t get ourselves relocated without disturbing the animals but at the least we could discourage and avoid poaching them for the well being of the mankind. ! The very recent conclusion is that the tigers are mostly killed for the reason of pain killers. I know its good to speak about all these things but think about a ten years from now..! UNIMAGINABLE….!

The change in the mentality of men is the only way to remove the tiger and its subspecies from the critically endangered list.!!          

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