Monday 9 June 2014


The Dachigam is one of the greatest assets and it is a poetry of ecology.The Dachigam would speak for centuries undoubtedly. The Dachigam is in the most uneasy state of Kashmir and is an incredible treasure too…The park is in 141 area at an altitude of 1690m to 4200m.

It is a home for Hangul, Himalayan black bear, Brown bear, Jackal, Red fox, Yellow-throated marten, Himalayan weasel, Smooth otter, Serow,etc.,It has beautiful birds like Golden Oriole, Wastails and woodpeckers.The rat snake, Pit viper are sheltered here in Dachigam.The Dachigam National park belonged to the King of Kashmir who announced it "hunting preserved". For this, he has removed ten surrounding villages and hence the name Dachigam. Earlier the wild park had wild pigs more in number but it went locally extinct in 1991. When the King’s rule  ended, the forest was handed over to State Fisheries Dept., and this was the beginning that the forest started losing its worth, pride and beauty…Now, the concern for the forest by the ecologists and activists is because the park is the last home for the remaining number of the Hanguls.

But, unfortunately the large scale grazing by animals and lopping by nomadics is disturbing the landscape and the man –animal conflicts are on a higher magnitude day by day! The wonder is that the famous Stags of Kashmir dropped to even lesser than 200...!The nature and wildlife lovers visit the park which is open all year round! But preferably it shall be visited in the months of June-August as the Upper Dachigam will quitely be inaccessible in winter. We can enjoy the birding art in Summer and September and October can be preferred to spot the rarest of the rarest Hangul!
Isn't now June to August....!Well, catch the awesome Dachigam after obtaining a permit form the office of the chief wildlife warden at Srinagar...!

The Dachigam--a visual treat..!

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